PDF invoice \ shipment \ credit memo

PDF invoice \ shipment \ credit memo

Design stylish PDF documents for Invoices, Shipments, Credit memos easily from Magento admin section with standard magento's Wysiwyg.

Design stylish PDF documents for Invoices, Shipments, Credit memos with built in Magento wysiwyg, no coding! Extension replaces the built-in Magento PDF document generation tool with fully customizable pdf templates that you edit with wysiwyg. Now you can design your pdf template in directly your browser without any coding. Then click save click "save template" and you're done!


PDF creditmemo sample: creditmemo2012-09-04_02-20-12.pdf
PDF invoice sample: invoice2012-09-04_02-15-46.pdf
PDF shipment sample: packingslip2012-09-04_02-13-40.pdf

Magento admin: http://demostore002.ecommerceoffice.com/admin/ [login:demo123 \ password:demo123]


- Order data access through snippets, view order snippets list
- Invoice data access through snippets, view invoice snippets list
- PSD invoices, shipments, credit memos support
- Magento variables support
- Magento static blocks\snippets support
- Generate PDF documents compliant with PDF/A, PDF/X and PDF/SiqQ standards
- HTML, text, images support
- Full support for UTF-8
- Multilingual support – English, Português, ไทย, Español, Руcский, 한국어, Français, Deutsch, 中文, العربية, etc..


PDF Invoice 1.2.9 new features!

Gift Message was added. Now you can show access gift message data with this variables:


PDF Invoice 1.2.7 new features!

Now you can add custom attributes for your Invoices,Shipments and Credit Memos. So your clients will see addtional information like county of origin or varrianty directly in document

PDF Invoice 1.2.5 new features!

New version allows you to select products attributes that will be displayed in your PDF print-outs!

PDF Invoice 1.2.3 features:

You can you following functions to format invoice and order varables
round {{pdf.invoice.XXX.round}} 
day {{pdf.invoice.XXX.day}} 
month {{pdf.invoice.XXX.month}} 
year {{pdf.invoice.XXX.year}} 
round {{pdf.order.XXX.round}} 
day {{pdf.order.XXX.day}} 
month {{pdf.order.XXX.month}} 
year {{pdf.order.XXX.year}} 

{{pdf.invoice.shipping_tax_amount}} will display 1002.01
{{pdf.invoice.shipping_tax_amount.round}} will display 1002

PDF invoice settings:
- PDF invoice goes with Cover, Main and final pages
- Include your own css style for PDF Invoice
- set background image PDF document
- Cover page
-- show\hide header and footer
-- set margins for header and footer
-- set PDF document margins (left, right, top, bottom)
-- set PDF page orientation (portrait or landscape)
- Final page
-- show\hide header and footer
-- set margins for header and footer
-- set PDF document margins (left, right, top, bottom)
-- set PDF page orientation (portrait or landscape)
- Main content page
-- show\hide header and footer
-- set margins for header and footer
-- set PDF document margins (left, right, top, bottom)
-- set PDF page orientation (portrait or landscape)
PDF shipment settings:
- PDF shipment goes with Cover, Main and final pages
- Include your own css style for PDF Invoice
- set background image PDF document
- Cover page
-- show\hide header and footer
-- set margins for header and footer
-- set PDF document margins (left, right, top, bottom)
-- set PDF page orientation (portrait or landscape)
- Final page
-- show\hide header and footer
-- set margins for header and footer
-- set PDF document margins (left, right, top, bottom)
-- set PDF page orientation (portrait or landscape)
- Main content page
-- show\hide header and footer
-- set margins for header and footer
-- set PDF document margins (left, right, top, bottom)
-- set PDF page orientation (portrait or landscape)
PDF credit memo settings:
- PDF credit memo goes with Cover, Main and final pages
- Include your own css style for PDF Invoice
- set background image PDF document
- Cover page
-- show\hide header and footer
-- set margins for header and footer
-- set PDF document margins (left, right, top, bottom)
-- set PDF page orientation (portrait or landscape)
- Final page
-- show\hide header and footer
-- set margins for header and footer
-- set PDF document margins (left, right, top, bottom)
-- set PDF page orientation (portrait or landscape)
- Main content page
-- show\hide header and footer
-- set margins for header and footer
-- set PDF document margins (left, right, top, bottom)
-- set PDF page orientation (portrait or landscape)

- Magento™ CE 1.3.x, 1.4.x, 1.5.x, 1.6.x, 1.7.x
- Magento™ EE 1.8.x, 1.9.x, 1.10.x, 1.11.x, 1.12.x
- No Magento™ patching required, no core files modifications

- Free support guarantee
- Free upgrades guarantee
- Easy to install, easy to upgrade, just copy to use
- User-friendly and flexible configuration
- Easy customizable front-end via wysiwyg - no coding!
- 100% open-source

- Easy integration, no installation or setup is necessary on the server. All you have to do is upload your files

- Email support for our clients
- Free upgrades at least in current version branch
- Free installation by request
- Free high priority new feature development by request
- Free high priority technical support


Invoice snippets:

  • entity_id = {{pdf.invoice.entity_id}}
  • store_id = {{pdf.invoice.store_id}}
  • base_grand_total = {{pdf.invoice.base_grand_total}}
  • shipping_tax_amount = {{pdf.invoice.shipping_tax_amount}}
  • tax_amount = {{pdf.invoice.tax_amount}}
  • base_tax_amount = {{pdf.invoice.base_tax_amount}}
  • store_to_order_rate = {{pdf.invoice.store_to_order_rate}}
  • base_shipping_tax_amount = {{pdf.invoice.base_shipping_tax_amount}}
  • base_discount_amount = {{pdf.invoice.base_discount_amount}}
  • base_to_order_rate = {{pdf.invoice.base_to_order_rate}}
  • grand_total = {{pdf.invoice.grand_total}}
  • shipping_amount = {{pdf.invoice.shipping_amount}}
  • subtotal_incl_tax = {{pdf.invoice.subtotal_incl_tax}}
  • base_subtotal_incl_tax = {{pdf.invoice.base_subtotal_incl_tax}}
  • store_to_base_rate = {{pdf.invoice.store_to_base_rate}}
  • base_shipping_amount = {{pdf.invoice.base_shipping_amount}}
  • total_qty = {{pdf.invoice.total_qty}}
  • base_to_global_rate = {{pdf.invoice.base_to_global_rate}}
  • subtotal = {{pdf.invoice.subtotal}}
  • base_subtotal = {{pdf.invoice.base_subtotal}}
  • discount_amount = {{pdf.invoice.discount_amount}}
  • billing_address_id = {{pdf.invoice.billing_address_id}}
  • is_used_for_refund = {{pdf.invoice.is_used_for_refund}}
  • order_id = {{pdf.invoice.order_id}}
  • email_sent = {{pdf.invoice.email_sent}}
  • can_void_flag = {{pdf.invoice.can_void_flag}}
  • state = {{pdf.invoice.state}}
  • shipping_address_id = {{pdf.invoice.shipping_address_id}}
  • cybersource_token = {{pdf.invoice.cybersource_token}}
  • store_currency_code = {{pdf.invoice.store_currency_code}}
  • transaction_id = {{pdf.invoice.transaction_id}}
  • order_currency_code = {{pdf.invoice.order_currency_code}}
  • base_currency_code = {{pdf.invoice.base_currency_code}}
  • global_currency_code = {{pdf.invoice.global_currency_code}}
  • increment_id = {{pdf.invoice.increment_id}}
  • created_at = {{pdf.invoice.created_at}}
  • updated_at = {{pdf.invoice.updated_at}}
  • customer_id = {{pdf.invoice.customer_id}}
  • invoice_status_id = {{pdf.invoice.invoice_status_id}}
  • invoice_type = {{pdf.invoice.invoice_type}}
  • is_virtual = {{pdf.invoice.is_virtual}}
  • real_order_id = {{pdf.invoice.real_order_id}}
  • total_due = {{pdf.invoice.total_due}}
  • total_paid = {{pdf.invoice.total_paid}}
  • hidden_tax_amount = {{pdf.invoice.hidden_tax_amount}}
  • base_hidden_tax_amount = {{pdf.invoice.base_hidden_tax_amount}}
  • shipping_hidden_tax_amount = {{pdf.invoice.shipping_hidden_tax_amount}}
  • base_shipping_hidden_tax_amount = {{pdf.invoice.base_shipping_hidden_tax_amount}}
  • shipping_incl_tax = {{pdf.invoice.shipping_incl_tax}}
  • base_shipping_incl_tax = {{pdf.invoice.base_shipping_incl_tax}}
  • base_total_refunded = {{pdf.invoice.base_total_refunded}}

Order snippets:

  • entity_id = {{pdf.order.entity_id}}
  • state = {{pdf.order.state}}
  • status = {{pdf.order.status}}
  • coupon_code = {{pdf.order.coupon_code}}
  • protect_code = {{pdf.order.protect_code}}
  • shipping_description = {{pdf.order.shipping_description}}
  • is_virtual = {{pdf.order.is_virtual}}
  • store_id = {{pdf.order.store_id}}
  • customer_id = {{pdf.order.customer_id}}
  • base_discount_amount = {{pdf.order.base_discount_amount}}
  • base_discount_canceled = {{pdf.order.base_discount_canceled}}
  • base_discount_invoiced = {{pdf.order.base_discount_invoiced}}
  • base_discount_refunded = {{pdf.order.base_discount_refunded}}
  • base_grand_total= {{pdf.order.base_grand_total}}
  • base_shipping_amount = {{pdf.order.base_shipping_amount}}
  • base_shipping_canceled = {{pdf.order.base_shipping_canceled}}
  • base_shipping_invoiced = {{pdf.order.base_shipping_invoiced}}
  • base_shipping_refunded = {{pdf.order.base_shipping_refunded}}
  • base_shipping_tax_amount = {{pdf.order.base_shipping_tax_amount}}
  • base_shipping_tax_refunded = {{pdf.order.base_shipping_tax_refunded}}
  • base_subtotal = {{pdf.order.base_subtotal}}
  • base_subtotal_canceled = {{pdf.order.base_subtotal_canceled}}
  • base_subtotal_invoiced = {{pdf.order.base_subtotal_invoiced}}
  • base_subtotal_refunded = {{pdf.order.base_subtotal_refunded}}
  • base_tax_amount = {{pdf.order.base_tax_amount}}
  • base_tax_canceled = {{pdf.order.base_tax_canceled}}
  • base_tax_invoiced = {{pdf.order.base_tax_invoiced}}
  • base_tax_refunded = {{pdf.order.base_tax_refunded}}
  • base_to_global_rate = {{pdf.order.base_to_global_rate}}
  • base_to_order_rate = {{pdf.order.base_to_order_rate}}
  • base_total_canceled = {{pdf.order.base_total_canceled}}
  • base_total_invoiced = {{pdf.order.base_total_invoiced}}
  • base_total_invoiced_cost = {{pdf.order.base_total_invoiced_cost}}
  • base_total_offline_refunded = {{pdf.order.base_total_offline_refunded}}
  • base_total_online_refunded = {{pdf.order.base_total_online_refunded}}
  • base_total_paid = {{pdf.order.base_total_paid}}
  • base_total_qty_ordered = {{pdf.order.base_total_qty_ordered}}
  • base_total_refunded = {{pdf.order.base_total_refunded}}
  • discount_amount = {{pdf.order.discount_amount}}
  • discount_canceled = {{pdf.order.discount_canceled}}
  • discount_invoiced = {{pdf.order.discount_invoiced}}
  • discount_refunded = {{pdf.order.discount_refunded}}
  • grand_total = {{pdf.order.grand_total}}
  • shipping_amount = {{pdf.order.shipping_amount}}
  • shipping_canceled = {{pdf.order.shipping_canceled}}
  • shipping_invoiced = {{pdf.order.shipping_invoiced}}
  • shipping_refunded = {{pdf.order.shipping_refunded}}
  • shipping_tax_amount = {{pdf.order.shipping_tax_amount}}
  • shipping_tax_refunded = {{pdf.order.shipping_tax_refunded}}
  • store_to_base_rate = {{pdf.order.store_to_base_rate}}
  • store_to_order_rate = {{pdf.order.store_to_order_rate}}
  • subtotal = {{pdf.order.subtotal}}
  • subtotal_canceled = {{pdf.order.subtotal_canceled}}
  • subtotal_invoiced = {{pdf.order.subtotal_invoiced}}
  • subtotal_refunded = {{pdf.order.subtotal_refunded}}
  • tax_amount = {{pdf.order.tax_amount}}
  • tax_canceled = {{pdf.order.tax_canceled}}
  • tax_invoiced = {{pdf.order.tax_invoiced}}
  • tax_refunded = {{pdf.order.tax_refunded}}
  • total_canceled = {{pdf.order.total_canceled}}
  • total_invoiced = {{pdf.order.total_invoiced}}
  • total_offline_refunded = {{pdf.order.total_offline_refunded}}
  • total_online_refunded = {{pdf.order.total_online_refunded}}
  • total_paid = {{pdf.order.total_paid}}
  • total_qty_ordered = {{pdf.order.total_qty_ordered}}
  • total_refunded = {{pdf.order.total_refunded}}
  • can_ship_partially = {{pdf.order.can_ship_partially}}
  • can_ship_partially_item = {{pdf.order.can_ship_partially_item}}
  • customer_is_guest = {{pdf.order.customer_is_guest}}
  • customer_note_notify = {{pdf.order.customer_note_notify}}
  • billing_address_id = {{pdf.order.billing_address_id}}
  • customer_group_id = {{pdf.order.customer_group_id}}
  • edit_increment = {{pdf.order.edit_increment}}
  • email_sent = {{pdf.order.email_sent}}
  • forced_do_shipment_with_invoice = {{pdf.order.forced_do_shipment_with_invoice}}
  • gift_message_id = {{pdf.order.gift_message_id}}
  • payment_authorization_expiration = {{pdf.order.payment_authorization_expiration}}
  • paypal_ipn_customer_notified = {{pdf.order.paypal_ipn_customer_notified}}
  • quote_address_id = {{pdf.order.quote_address_id}}
  • quote_id = {{pdf.order.quote_id}}
  • shipping_address_id = {{pdf.order.shipping_address_id}}
  • adjustment_negative = {{pdf.order.adjustment_negative}}
  • adjustment_positive = {{pdf.order.adjustment_positive}}
  • base_adjustment_negative = {{pdf.order.base_adjustment_negative}}
  • base_adjustment_positive = {{pdf.order.base_adjustment_positive}}
  • base_shipping_discount_amount = {{pdf.order.base_shipping_discount_amount}}
  • base_subtotal_incl_tax = {{pdf.order.base_subtotal_incl_tax}}
  • base_total_due = {{pdf.order.base_total_due}}
  • payment_authorization_amount = {{pdf.order.payment_authorization_amount}}
  • shipping_discount_amount = {{pdf.order.shipping_discount_amount}}
  • subtotal_incl_tax = {{pdf.order.subtotal_incl_tax}}
  • total_due = {{pdf.order.total_due}}
  • weight = {{pdf.order.weight}}
  • customer_dob = {{pdf.order.customer_dob}}
  • increment_id = {{pdf.order.increment_id}}
  • applied_rule_ids = {{pdf.order.applied_rule_ids}}
  • base_currency_code = {{pdf.order.base_currency_code}}
  • customer_email = {{pdf.order.customer_email}}
  • customer_firstname = {{pdf.order.customer_firstname}}
  • customer_lastname = {{pdf.order.customer_lastname}}
  • customer_middlename = {{pdf.order.customer_middlename}}
  • customer_prefix = {{pdf.order.customer_prefix}}
  • customer_suffix = {{pdf.order.customer_suffix}}
  • customer_taxvat = {{pdf.order.customer_taxvat}}
  • discount_description = {{pdf.order.discount_description}}
  • ext_customer_id = {{pdf.order.ext_customer_id}}
  • ext_order_id = {{pdf.order.ext_order_id}}
  • global_currency_code = {{pdf.order.global_currency_code}}
  • hold_before_state = {{pdf.order.hold_before_state}}
  • hold_before_status = {{pdf.order.hold_before_status}}
  • order_currency_code = {{pdf.order.order_currency_code}}
  • original_increment_id = {{pdf.order.original_increment_id}}
  • relation_child_id = {{pdf.order.relation_child_id}}
  • relation_child_real_id = {{pdf.order.relation_child_real_id}}
  • relation_parent_id = {{pdf.order.relation_parent_id}}
  • relation_parent_real_id = {{pdf.order.relation_parent_real_id}}
  • remote_ip = {{pdf.order.remote_ip}}
  • shipping_method = {{pdf.order.shipping_method}}
  • store_currency_code = {{pdf.order.store_currency_code}}
  • store_name = {{pdf.order.store_name}}
  • x_forwarded_for = {{pdf.order.x_forwarded_for}}
  • customer_note = {{pdf.order.customer_note}}
  • created_at = {{pdf.order.created_at}}
  • updated_at = {{pdf.order.updated_at}}
  • total_item_count = {{pdf.order.total_item_count}}
  • customer_gender = {{pdf.order.customer_gender}}
  • base_custbalance_amount = {{pdf.order.base_custbalance_amount}}
  • currency_base_id = {{pdf.order.currency_base_id}}
  • currency_code = {{pdf.order.currency_code}}
  • currency_rate = {{pdf.order.currency_rate}}
  • custbalance_amount = {{pdf.order.custbalance_amount}}
  • is_hold = {{pdf.order.is_hold}}
  • is_multi_payment = {{pdf.order.is_multi_payment}}
  • real_order_id = {{pdf.order.real_order_id}}
  • tax_percent = {{pdf.order.tax_percent}}
  • tracking_numbers = {{pdf.order.tracking_numbers}}
  • hidden_tax_amount = {{pdf.order.hidden_tax_amount}}
  • base_hidden_tax_amount = {{pdf.order.base_hidden_tax_amount}}
  • shipping_hidden_tax_amount = {{pdf.order.shipping_hidden_tax_amount}}
  • base_shipping_hidden_tax_amount = {{pdf.order.base_shipping_hidden_tax_amount}}
  • hidden_tax_invoiced = {{pdf.order.hidden_tax_invoiced}}
  • base_hidden_tax_invoiced = {{pdf.order.base_hidden_tax_invoiced}}
  • hidden_tax_refunded = {{pdf.order.hidden_tax_refunded}}
  • base_hidden_tax_refunded ={{pdf.order.base_hidden_tax_refunded}}

How it looks:

Extension demo

Documents demo:

PDF creditmemo sample: creditmemo2012-09-04_02-20-12.pdf
PDF invoice sample: invoice2012-09-04_02-15-46.pdf
PDF shipment sample: packingslip2012-09-04_02-13-40.pdf

Magento admin: http://demostore002.ecommerceoffice.com/index.php/admin/

login: demostore123

pass: demostore123


Customer Reviews

A helpful solution - by Nevvin77

Stable and reliable product, works really well. That is a pleasure to collaborate with the Magazento team. Very helpful. Looking forward to using other Magazento products soon.

(Posted on 2/16/13)

Perfect example! - by shih86

The PDF invoice \ shipment \ credit memo is a remarkably good example how to make extensions. I use it for 6 months and have already integrated it in several Magento stores. Fancy that - not a single problem - that just works out of the box! Both the docs and the templates are easy to design and to include in the store. The possibilities are truly amazing and I haven't got the necessity to apply for any support. Thank you very much indeed. Well done!

(Posted on 12/20/12)

Well done! - by ReguIus

The PDF invoice \ shipment \ credit memo is a remarkably good example how to make extensions. I use it for 6 months and have already integrated it in several Magento stores. Fancy that - not a single problem - that just works out of the box! Both the docs and the templates are easy to design and to include in the store. The possibilities are truly amazing and I haven't got the necessity to apply for any support. Thank you very much indeed. Well done!

(Posted on 12/10/12)

Think of that - by Rapopold

The most attractive thing I'd like to mention speaking about this extension is the multilingual support. No troubles with the store shipments representations in specific encodings for China, Japan etc. users. What is more - the extension is reliable and regularly updated so I have never had to demand for their support team help. That’s truly pleasant to have an extension that is easy to use and easy to ... produce stores. Damn it - looks like a rap-track. Think of that buddies:)

(Posted on 11/10/12)

Thumbs up! - by PEHATA

Everyone who wants to make a friendly-to-user Magento store should pay attention to this extension. The thing specified and pretty important is the multilingual support (including English, Chinese, and Deutsch Arab etc.). But the main reason to choose it for me as for a Russian developer was the full UTF-8 support. Nice job. Thumbs up!

(Posted on 8/10/12)

Recommendations - by OpOlen228

No doubt that’s a must-have extension. What is more, the support team is wonderful! They really did their best to make sure we have set up correctly. Just the nicest team - thank you! Recommended.

(Posted on 5/10/12)

You're reviewing: PDF invoice \ shipment \ credit memo

How do you rate this product? *
  1 star 2 stars 3 stars 4 stars 5 stars

100% Open Source 

Extesion comes 100% open source which means there are no encoded files, everything is transparent and you can modify and change source of this extension to meet your needs. We do not use ioncube, zend guard or another code encoding software.

We made tests on all major installations and this extension is a fully workable. But It is highly recommended to backup your server files and database before installing this module. It is also recommended you install on a test server initially to carry out your own testing.

Before you install. Listed folders in your Magento directory should be writable:

  • app / code / community
  • app / design / adminhtml / base / default / layout
  • app / design / adminhtml / base / default / template
  • app / design / frontend / base / base / layout
  • app / design / frontend / base / base / template
  • app / etc / modules
  • app / locale / en_US
  • app / locale / en_US / template / email
  • js
  • skin / frontend / base / default

Installation Steps

To install extension follow this steps:

  • 1.) Clear the store cache under var/cache and all cookies for your store domain
  • 2.) Disable Compilation Mode (if enabled) 
  • 3.) Log out from Magento Admin panel if you are logged in 
  • 4.) Unpack the contents of the “extension” folder from the package file to your Magento root directory. If you dont use “default” folder as your theme pool directory copy files from app/design/frontend/default/default/ & skin/frontend/default/default to yours
  • 5.) Check that magento has permissions to read extensions files.
  • 6.) If Cache Control is enabled in Magento go to ‘System > Cache Management’ section, select ‘Refresh’ under ‘All Cache’ drop-down menu and press ‘Save CacheSettings’

Extension Troubleshooting

After the extension installation the store gives an error, or blank page, or suggests to start Magento installation procedure.

> Change the owner of the extracted extension files to the web server user and set 775 permissions on them. Clear the store cache and try again.

There is extension tab under configuration section, or having the extension tab clicked I get a blank page, or Access Denied error.

> Clear the store cache, browser cookies, logout and login again.

I've set up everything correctly, inserted the HTML code but there is nothing on that page.

> Clear the store cache, clear your browser cache and domain cookies and refresh the page.

My configuration changes do not appear on the store.

> Clear the store cache, clear your browser cache and domain cookies and refresh the page.

Documentation, user guide you can find in our Wiki.
Extension userguide: http://www.magazento.com/documents/magazento_pdfinvoice_help.pdf


Lifetime Support and Money Back Guarantee

As a customer you can return the products or decline the services withing 30 days from delivery date.Therefore we offer our customers free Lifetime Support.

In the case of unsatisfactory product or service quality you are in the right of asking for money refund. You can return the product or decline the service in the case they are not corresponding to your order. To avoid the situations like these, please, consult our support team before you place your order to receive the answers to your question on products or services details.

In the case of service ordering, any refunds are made based on the time already spent on your order realization. To apply for the refunds you are expected to send a request note as it is convenient for you with the problem details explanation. Your questions are accepted 7 days a week 24 hours a day by e-mail service@magazento.com.

We welcome your queries and comments on our products and services. Expect a response within one business day.


Money Back Guarantee

30 Days, no questions asked

Lifetime Support

Extension updates and bug fixes 


Domains unlimited domains
Compatibility 1.6,, 1.6.2,,,,
Stability stable

Tons of positive reviews were posted!

  • Featured Products


    Featured Products

    Thanks a lot for your support team quick responds- their answers solved all the problems after several days of headache.
  • Tabs TopMenu


    Tabs TopMenu

    Excellent Magazento extension. Customer Service is quick, reliable and polite. Everything is just perfect.
  • Custom Registration Fields - Customer attributes


    Custom Registration Fields - Customer attributes

    The simplification of developing the custom fields for the registration areas with the help of this extension is remarkable. With just the customizati read more ...
  • Bulk Categories Import \ Export


    Bulk Categories Import \ Export

    Having faced the task of importing a vast list of products in my store I could hardly imagine that these clever guys have already thought about develo read more ...
  • Custom Registration Fields - Customer attributes


    Custom Registration Fields - Customer attributes

    These folks are great. The extension is well coded and the user manual is helpful and full. The support they provide is very responsive and thorough a read more ...



    The extension is extremely easy to use and saves you a lot of time for tedious or complicated manual SEO work.
  • Custom Registration Fields - Customer attributes


    Custom Registration Fields - Customer attributes

    One pretty amazing feature about this extension is the possibility to apply multiple input types provided by the Custom Registration Fields - Customer read more ...
  • Gallery



    The support of video-services such as Vimeo and Youtube are definitely important for any developers. But what I would like to remark most is the vast read more ...



    I have experienced with other Magento developers and that is quite a normal thing for them not to react to any support requests - Magazento team is di read more ...
  • MegaMenu



    The extension was previously stated to 10/10, but I would like to say that it is probably 15/10! What pleased me most was finding an issue after month read more ...
  • Bulk Categories Import \ Export


    Bulk Categories Import \ Export

    I can easily say that the support quality from Magazento far exceeds any other support.



    The extension works out of the box. But what I would like to remark is the support documentation and the installation guide. Very informative, step-by read more ...



    An amazing feature of this extension is the possibility to generate SEO and user-friendly product URL Keys based on product attributes. A really effec read more ...
  • Bulk Categories Import \ Export


    Bulk Categories Import \ Export

    I've bought this extension about a month ago and since then I don't have any problems with it. I'd especially like to highlight a pretty quick and pro read more ...
  • InstaStream - instagram integration


    InstaStream - instagram integration

    Got this extension installed and its running quickly. Faced a few initial issues, sorted out quickly by the Magazento support team. Can't ask for more read more ...
  • MegaMenu



    Just purchased this extension and had the Magazento support staff to install and to configure it. Amazing service and the feedback was truly worth. Th read more ...
  • Mass Product Options


    Mass Product Options

    The service provided by Magazento.com is fantastic. They seem to be sitting and waiting for messages(:)). We had a problem with the module conflicting read more ...
  • Mass Product Options


    Mass Product Options

    I've just installed the Mass Product Options extension a several days ago and it works great. The description of the extension is FULLY adequate to it read more ...
  • Bulk Categories Import \ Export


    Bulk Categories Import \ Export

    We've been using the Bulk Categories Import\Export extension for a while now, and it provides us with an effective job as great simplification of the read more ...
  • MegaMenu



    Magento Megamenu is an excellent extension - its careful design makes it both easy to use and very flexible. Magazento's support configuring my projec read more ...
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